Could Iraq Be Making Americans Rich?


The iraqi dinar

There are dozens of ways to diversify a financial portfolio. From investing in real estate to buying stocks, investors across the country have a multitude of techniques keeping their investments varied. One option that some investors have chosen is investment in the Iraqi dinar. Opinions about the wisdom of such investments are varied, but those who have purchased dinar are confident that an impending revaluation of the Iraqi dinar will render their decision extremely valuable. Dinar investors, many of whom are ex military personnel and war zone contractors, anxiously await dinar RV news that they say could come at any time.

A Brief History of the Iraqi Dinar

Before the Gulf War, the dinar had an extremely high value. Bills printed during that time were printed using Swiss technology and are now referred to as Swiss dinar. The value of the dinar plummeted in the midst of the Iraq war and the dinar was redenominated in 2010 to ease cash transactions. Dinar bills now come in denominations of 50, 250, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 25,000 and are available online for a wide range of prices. With a new government in place, Iraq is currently striving for long term financial stability, an eventuality which investors hope will bring good dinar RV news. At the end of August 2013, 1 U.S. dollar was worth 1,161.20 Iraqi dinar.

Will the Iraqi Dinar Revalue?

There is no way to know for sure, and predictions are mixed. Those touting great dinar RV news claim to expect a 450,000% increase in the value of the IQD, but others look at Iraq’s severe debt, unstable government, oil sabotage, and predictions of civil war as indicators of a failing economy. Still, dinar investors are given hope by the vast oil reserves located in Iraq. Others expecting good dinar RV news compare Iraq to Kuwait, noting that Kuwait’s currency skyrocketed in value following the Gulf War.

The bottom line is that nobody knows for sure what will happen with the Iraqi dinar, but that’s the nature of the beast. Investments are always a bit of a risk, and any good investor knows how to research and make informed decisions before putting his or her money into something. The dinar RV news remains to be seen, and those who have already bought in seem pretty confident. To learn more, read this.

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