You were probably pretty excited when you won your lawsuit or when the lottery numbers showed up on the screen, matching the lottery ticket in your hand. You were excited when you learned the amount of money that was now yours. You agreed to receive structured settlements, monthly payments of your money for your entire life. You probably thought this was a good idea at the time, because you wouldn?t spend all of your money at once, and you would essentially make more per month. But, what are some ways that receiving all of your money at once could improve your life?
Improve your credit. You could drastically improve your credit score by receiving cash for your settlement now. Receiving monthly payments may not be enough to pay off any bad loans or to eliminate debt. You will also save money each month by not paying high interest payments on your credit cards. Improving your credit scores, will also get you better rates on future credit cards and loans. Credit card debt is ballooning, leaving American households with a net increase of $57.1 billion in new credit card debt in 2014. Once a credit card continues to accrue interest, it can be difficult to pay it entirely off. With a quick cash option, you can receive cash for your settlement now and pay off any loans and bad credit cards.
Take a family vacation. People don?t go on as many family vacations today. They struggle with the costs, and the vacation time needed to do so. If you need extra cash for a vacation, you can get cash for your settlement now. Your children will only be young for a short time, and a family vacation will be a memory that everyone will cherish for years to come. You will have the ability to take the dream vacation you have always wished you could take. Fewer than one in four Americans have enough money in their savings account to cover at least six months of expenses. This means that an even less percentage have enough money to cover a great family vacation.
Purchase a home. Purchasing a home has many benefits over renting. When you rent, you are simply throwing away your money; paying someone else mortgage payment. If you receive cash for your settlement now, you can stop throwing away your money and purchase your own home. Purchasing a home is also an investment, and will pay off in the future. Seventy-six percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. When you receive cash for settlement, you are able to comfortably purchase the home you want, and ensure that you no longer have to make monthly payment to rent anymore.
There are many benefits to selling your structured settlement and receiving cash for your settlement now. Your cash needs may have changed or you may want to improve your life now. With smaller, structured payments; you may not be able to do all of the things you want to. When you sell your structured settlement, you are able to pay off any bad loans, improve your credit ratings, take that dreamy family vacation, and purchase a dream home. All of these things will truly make you feel like you actually have a large pay off.