There are countless businesses that hire and out source work to advertising and marketing companies every single day. These owners aim to try and boost the traffic of their product in attempts to get their brand out to more people so that they can have more consumers buy their product. These people will receive a lot of advice but what is important is that they should trust the people that they have hired to do their job.
The world of advertising and marketing is not easy and can be quite difficult when you try to navigate through it. There are so many different methods and ideas applied to this type of business. Some of these include digital concepts and other feature physical displays to lure consumers to your store. These can include glass door signs, metal sign stands, poster stands, custom retail sign holders and other physical items. Here is what you should know about using a product stand display.
According to data released in 2014, 30,000 Stock Keep Units launch annual. On average, 3,000 ads and promotional messages are viewed by potential consumers every single day. This is a large amount of information being beamed at these people and this is why you need your product stand display to stand out amongst the rest of the advertising business.
It will normally only take 3 to 7 seconds for a consumer to decide whether they will stick with their current brand or if they will instead buy something from a competitor. Anywhere between 6 and 10 purchases that take place within a store are considered to be impulse purchases, which means they were not preplanned. Most shoppers will research and look up information about a product on their phone yet 77% of all consumers will still go to a store in order to shop and actually purchase that item.
A 2011 report was released and revealed that 86% of all consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience. This experience can include a digital experience on a website or even a physical experience by way of going to the store and seeing a product stand display. It is important to note that shoppers will make 82% of their purchase decisions while in the store, which is a great place to put a good looking product stand display.
The 2014 Mass Merchant Study revealed that 16% of all unplanned purchases were made due to a display stand noticed while shopping. Merchandise marked at the full price managed to perform 18% better when put together with signage as opposed to being without signage. Another study revealed that merchandise with a sign also outsold merchandise with a sign by 20%.
In conclusion, these numbers, facts, and stats all aforementioned are ways in which you will see a visible difference in the flow of traffic for your business with the right tools. Advertising and marketing can be simple when you work it down to the surface level details of having a good looking product stand display near your business. These types of things help entice consumers to make purchases nearly every day.